Posts Tagged ‘ load usercontrols ’

New Silverlight Video Tutorial: How to Create a Silverlight Paging System to Load new Pages

Toaday I got a comment from a blog reader named Fracisco…I think he wanted to know how to load new pages into a Silverlight website.  Just for him, and because I think many of you have the same problem, I made a video tutorial where I show you how to:

1. Create a Content Holder UserControl;

2. Make two pages called HomePage and AboutUs

3. In App.xaml load ContentHolder instead of MainPage.xaml (the default action of a SL app)

4. Create a SwitchContent method that takes a UserControl as its argument; this method will load the requested page into the ContentHolder control

5. Make a Nav UserControl that has Buttons that load the associated page into the ContentHolder UserControl

6. Add the Nav control to each page

7. Create EventHandlers in the Nav.xaml.cs to load the associated content into the ContentHolder User

8. VIOLA! You will then have a Silverlight paging system that loads any page, on Demand into your MainPage.xaml!


Working Example: (from the source code below)

My Project:

Video: (Running Time: 17 Minutes)

Hi Victor
I’m very new to blend and I need a very basic code to make that button call an hyperlink to create live buttons in blend to be used in Expressions 3 to call the other pages in my site, I try the help in blend (the sample code there only give an error at time to run it) and look in your book Expression blend 3 but I can’t find the answer to to this simple task. Can you help?